As Microsoft’s flagship office application package, Office 365 can help you in ways you never expected.

Any person who makes a living using computers in their day-to-day dealings is well-familiarized with Microsoft’s Office application. You know them: Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. They are so commonplace and widely-used, that you tend not to think about them too much. That is, until it’s time to renovate or buy new licenses. Or until some document is lost because someone only kept one copy on a Pad or phone.

Office 365 is one huge weight lifted off your back as a small-business owner. Forget about expensive on-premise server setup and maintenance; you can now run your office applications from Microsoft’s cloud and leave the heavy lifting to Microsoft’s massive, state-of-the-art data centers. The only thing you need to get your office applications is a computer and an internet connection. Subscribe to the service,  get on your computer, and start working. Each Office 365 license is good for up to 25 users who can use it across 5 different devices.

Besides  the reduced costs of not having on-premise servers, Office 365 gives you mobility, security, and control. Any modern small or medium business is more than likely to have a mobile workforce. This means a lot of people out on the road, working from their mobile devices and laptops, carrying around often sensitive information that could become lost or compromised. With Office 365, working from the Cloud lets your team have their work apps and company documents with them wherever they have an internet connection, on almost any device. Forget about emails with a bunch of Excel and Word attachments; working on documents stored on the cloud gives you, as a business manager, the ability to share and grant access as necessary. You are in control of who can edit, download, share, or only view any given document. All changes are made real-time and security of information is as safe as any other bit of information on a Microsoft server. OneDrive comes as part of Microsoft’s cloud services and will be your cloud-based file-hosting service for up to 1TB of storage (exclusive storage for Office 365 users). Sharepoint is another great tool that comes with Office 365; a document management and storage system that allows you to create websites and store, access, organize, and share nearly any information you need to from almost any device, mobile or on-premise.

Sharepoint is another great tool that comes with Office 365; a document management and storage system that allows you to create websites and store, access, organize, and share nearly any information you need to from almost any device, mobile or on-premise.

Office 365 EMS Integration: Boost Security, Access, and Device Management with Enterprise Mobility Suite

So, you’ve taken the leap and moved to the Cloud. Office 365 is now your go-to resource for office applications. Smooth sailing, isn’t it?

As secure as Office 365 already is, it has some security limitations. Fortunately, Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility Suite integrates with your first Cloud Solution to help you solve even more issues. With information and access security as its main concerns, EMS lets you protect your company’s important data regardless of where it’s being access from or on which device. Through its Azure Active Directory Premium and Azure Information Protection, EMS tightens login and access security, while at the same time making it easier for your employees to sign-in to your cloud office. As an administrator, you have full control over who can access what, where, and when.

EMS also saves you time and money; purchasing individual devices for each one of your employees can surmount to ridiculous costs. Besides buying them, providing maintenance and keeping track of their use is an added cost and a tedious task. Let’s get real; it’s a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) world out there for the small and medium business. Since login, access, and usage are browser-based, EMS let’s your employees use their own devices to access your company’s cloud applications, without the need to intrude into their personal information. EMS’s built-in separation of company and personal data ensure that your business’ data is safe, and so is your employee’s privacy.

Schedule a Consultation today with Acumor, a Microsoft Gold Partner, to find out how Cloud Solutions can revolutionize your way of doing day-to-day business.

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