In a world of corporate superpowers, earning significant business advantages as a small or medium enterprise can be often frustrating. You may have a limited amount of capital, a limited amount of personal, and generally limited resources that may be keeping your business from breaking through.

As an SMB owner, you can earn advantages, save costs, and improve the general functioning of your business through Cloud Business Solutions. This means moving away from on-premise servers to rely more on off-site, cloud-based work tools and software.

Once upon a time, we first had the abacus to make math calculations easier. Then we invented the calculator. Then computers. And now people don’t even have to bother learning math with our handy phone calculators. Just kidding, math is still important, but making huge calculations is a much simpler task than it was 100 years ago. See, technology is supposed to make our lives and jobs easier, not more difficult. Small businesses often find themselves struggling to put technology to use in a way that grants them more advantages than struggles.

Acumor’s Cloud Solutions makes your everything related to your day-to-day business technology much easier, cheaper, and more integrated. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Acumor offers subscription-based access to the most highly-rated cloud business solutions on the market. Whether it’s a simple Office 365 subscription or a complete migration to all of our Cloud Solutions (Office365, Dynamics365, Microsoft Azure, and Enterprise Mobility Suite), your business will find itself greatly benefited. Transferring any portion of your business technology to cloud computing will have you see immediate results in workflow efficiency and cost-reduction.  The long-term impact, however, can be game-changing.

By switching to Cloud Solutions you gain:

  • Flexibility
  • Security
  • Up-to-date software, always
  • Reduced costs
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Increased integration and collaboration among your work team
  • Mobility
  • More control over company documentation
  • Competitiveness

Since 2013, Cloud Business has grown by approximately 30%, compared to the 5% growth of enterprise IT. The world is already moving up into the Cloud. Don’t get left behind. Schedule a Consultation Today

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